Counter Surveillance

Our team consists of seasoned professionals with extensive experience in the fields of security, surveillance detection, and counter-surveillance.


Counter Surveillance

Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) involves the identification and neutralization of electronic surveillance methods used to monitor individuals, organizations, or assets covertly. This encompasses a wide range of tactics aimed at detecting, mitigating, and deterring surveillance activities conducted through electronic means such as hidden cameras, audio bugs, GPS trackers, and digital eavesdropping devices.

Stop the spying

Take the Appropriate Steps


We provide guidance on recognizing signs of electronic surveillance through comprehensive sweeps and inspections of physical spaces, vehicles, and electronic devices. This includes using specialized equipment to detect hidden cameras, audio bugs, and GPS trackers.


Once surveillance devices are identified, we offer strategies for disabling or neutralizing them effectively. This may involve physical removal, signal jamming, or employing counter-surveillance tactics to deceive and disrupt monitoring efforts.



Beyond reactive measures, we emphasize proactive steps to prevent future surveillance attempts. This includes educating individuals and organizations on security best practices, implementing robust access controls, and regularly conducting security assessments to identify vulnerabilities.


We believe that knowledge is the first line of defense against surveillance threats. Our platform offers comprehensive resources, including articles, guides, and tutorials, to empower individuals and organizations with the knowledge and skills needed to protect their privacy and security effectively.

Support Criminal Prosecution

Through documentation and preservation of evidence as the basis for legal proceedings and criminal prosecution.


Provide Expert Testimony

Our seasoned experts deliver compelling testimony based on meticulous TSCM analysis, articulating complex technical concepts and bolstering prosecution arguments in court.