
Helping you navigate the most difficult issues in family court.

Cheating Partners

Infidelity affects people in different ways, but most consider it the most hurtful betrayal imaginable. If you are feeling anxiety or fear that your partner is unfaithful, then you deserve to know the truth. Sometimes our investigations reveal that those fears are unfounded, and have just been brought about by strain in the relationship. Confirmation that a partner is not cheating usually eases those fears, and often leads to a healthier approach to resolving your relationship challenges.

When those fears are confirmed, however, you need options. With video and photographic documentation, you can be in a position to make decisions about the future of your relationship.

Child Welfare & Custody Issues

The most difficult issue to navigate in any dissolving relationship is child custody/welfare.

Whatever the situation, we can help you protect your children by providing covert surveillance video and photographs documenting questionable activity. In the best case, we can provide peace of mind that your children are being well-loved and cared for.

Collecting Information

Domestic Investigations

Surveillance Operations

Covert surveillance conducted with precision and discretion to gather crucial evidence for legal proceedings.

Abandoned Property Searches

Scrutinizing abandoned property and trash for potential evidence, or valuable clues to support legal cases.

Civil Standbys/Custodial Supervision

Providing protective oversight during civil proceedings or custodial situations, ensuring safety and compliance with legal requirements.

Special Tactics and Techniques

Utilization of specialized strategies and methods tailored to unique case requirements, maximizing investigative efficiency and results.

Lifestyle Investigations

In-depth inquiries into individuals' lifestyles to uncover relevant information for legal proceedings, aiding in case preparation and defense.

Digital Forensics and Technical Surveillance Countermeasures

Advanced techniques employed to recover digital evidence and counter electronic surveillance, safeguarding sensitive information.