
Discover Blackfish Intelligence's industry-leading investigations and digital forensics solutions.


Criminal Investigations

Criminal Defense Investigation

Accused of a crime or need help solving one? Work with investigators who understand Texas criminal law and law enforcement procedures. As former police investigators and certified instructors, we've handled cases from minor theft to capital murder. We can help your attorney identify procedural errors, invalidate suspect evidence, and ensure a fair legal process. If you or a family member has been a victim of a serious crime, our private investigation services offer the best opportunity for justice. Contact us today to see how we can assist you.

Trial Consultation

Should your case go to trial, Blackfish Intelligence takes our work to the next level by providing comprehensive trial consulting services. Our expertise in forensic case review and analysis, defense strategy formulation, and witness credibility investigation ensures that you are fully prepared for your legal proceedings. Our certified criminal defense investigators, who also serve as expert witnesses on firearms and digital forensics, offer invaluable support, including trial assistance, jury selection assistance, and access to subject matter experts. Trust Blackfish Intelligence to provide the strategic guidance and support you need for a successful legal defense.

Missing Persons Investigations

A Missing Person can vanish under various circumstances, including danger, mental health issues, or evading legal consequences. Some disappearances involve suspicious circumstances or accidents, while others are intentional, such as to avoid debts or legal obligations, known as "skiptracing" or "fugitive recovery." Additionally, many missing persons are unaware they're being sought, including beneficiaries, witnesses, estranged family, or old friends. In our technology-driven world, staying hidden is increasingly challenging. At Blackfish Intelligence, we specialize in locating missing persons and providing expert investigative services to bring closure to families and individuals in need.


Civil & Family Investigations

Family Law

Cheating Partners: Infidelity can be a devastating betrayal, causing anxiety and fear. Our discreet investigations provide clarity, whether confirming suspicions or alleviating fears. With video and photographic evidence, you can make informed decisions about the future of your relationship.

Child Welfare And Custody Issues: When navigating child custody issues, trust our covert surveillance services to protect your children. We provide documentation of questionable activity, ensuring their well-being and providing you with peace of mind.


Surveillance entails discreet close and detailed observation of a person, place or thing to gather facts that usually can’t be obtained in any other way. These observations can help prove or disprove specific elements of a case, and are useful at trial or in other less formal proceedings.

Creativity in developing tactics and methods to uncover evidence is a trait of great private investigators. At Blackfish Investigations, we have over 125 years of experience in surveillance operations. Let us put our experience to work for you.

Background Investigations

Considering entrusting someone with critical aspects of your life or business? Background investigations can help protect you. Whether it's safeguarding your home, children, finances, or career, our expert advice will guide you towards informed decisions, ensuring peace of mind in every aspect of your life. Stay ahead of the curve with our industry-leading background investigation techniques and best practices, empowering you to make sound choices for a secure future.


Digital Forensics Investigations

Cell Phone & Computer Forensics

Digital Forensics is the process of retrieving the most comprehensive electronic data possible from its source. The goal of this process is to preserve any evidence in its most original form, most often for use in a structured criminal or civil investigation. The forensic examination must meet rigorous evidentiary collection standards to withstand cross-examination in court.

Technical Surveillance Countermeasures

Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) involves the identification and neutralization of electronic surveillance methods used to monitor individuals, organizations, or assets covertly. This encompasses a wide range of tactics aimed at detecting, mitigating, and deterring surveillance activities conducted through electronic means such as hidden cameras, audio bugs, GPS trackers, and digital eavesdropping devices.

AI Investigations

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